Total : 69Record
Category | 中文 | 英文 |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 | Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. | |
國際商港 | International Port | |
自由貿易港區 | Free Trade Zone | |
生態港基金會 | Eco Ports Foundation, EPF | |
生態港工具 | Eco Ports Tools | |
生態港認證 | Eco Ports Certification | |
已稅倉 | Aftertax Warehouse | |
保稅倉 | Bonded Warehouse | |
出口倉 | Export Warehouse | |
進口倉 | Import Warehouse | |
海上保險 | Marine Insurance | |
保溫貨櫃 | Insulated Container | |
通風貨櫃 | Ventilated Container | |
動物貨櫃 | Pet Container | |
散裝貨櫃 | Bulk Cargo Container | |
液體貨櫃 | Liquid Cargo Container | |
汽車貨櫃 | Automobiles Container | |
冷凍貨櫃 | Refrigerated Container | |
乾貨貨櫃 | Dry Cargo Container | |
貨櫃集散站 | Container Freight Station,CFS | |
貨櫃存放場 | Container Yard,CY | |
40呎標準貨櫃 | Forty Feet Equivalent Units,FEU | |
20呎標準貨櫃 | Twenty Feet Equivalent Units,TEU | |
預計離開時間 | Estimated Time of Departure,ETD | |
預開裝/卸時間 | Estimated Time of Commencement,ETC | |
預定靠泊時間 | Estimated Time of Berth,ETB | |
預計抵達時間 | Estimated Time of Arrival,ETA | |
掛靠港 | Port Of Call | |
母港 | Home Port | |
郵輪碼頭 | Cruise Terminal |