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Another Step toward Seamlessly Smart Operations: TIPC Launches First Version of the New Online Port Work Application System at Port of Taichung

2024-07-10 TIPC
Taiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC) has announced the digitalization of all water / land / roadway dig applications within TIPC ports. Digital processing of these requests is expected to strengthen transparency and public accessibility as well as to streamline the application process and improve internal project management, disaster prevention / response, and utility line management capabilities. The centrally processed data will not only help avoid the dangers and potential commercial losses resulting from accidentally damaged underground utility lines but also enhance the preparedness and effectiveness of disaster prevention and response mechanisms.

Dense public and industrial utility infrastructures already undergird each of TIPC’s seven international commercial ports. The continued growth in handled cargo volumes, need to implement measures promoting national green energy policy priorities, and influx of large wind power businesses at these ports present new opportunities while posing daunting challenges. All requests to connect to existing utility grids require pipeline operators to apply for dig permits and requesting companies to apply for permits to build or renovate facilities in accordance with the Commercial Port Law prior to commencing work.

TIPC recently announced the initial launch of the new Online Port Work Application System at Port of Taichung. This system, which streamlines the permit application process, more-effectively utilizes available data, and strengthens resilience against misplaced digs and their costly and potentially deadly consequences, improves process management, increases administration efficiency, and raises public transparency and accessibility. Importantly, managing application processes online reduces significantly the need to print physical documents (and its associated carbon footprint), makes public works within TIPC ports more transparent, and provides an important new tool for port management and related strategic analyses.

The Online Port Work Application System is being implemented in two stages. First, system implementation at Port of Taichung should be completed and ready to go online by the end of August (2024). This initial version of this system will be modified and improved based on user feedback. Second, the finalized system will be implemented at all of TIPC’s international commercial ports, with the system expected to be up and running everywhere by August 2025. This system will integrate all water / land / roadway dig applications with work management protocols, related data streams, and regular road maintenance schedules.

Once online, the system will provide a full suite of online-accessible services and information, including application submission and confirmation, review status, supporting document status, application status, permit approval status, fee calculation and payment status, schedule control, work updates, and inspection results. This new online paperless system, which effectively increases administrative efficiencies while saving both the time and costs involved in filling out and mailing physical applications, achieves both efficiency and convenience.

Provided by:Construction Management & Engineering Dept., Port of Taichung, TIPC
Contact Person:Chien-lung Chen, Manager
Telephone No.:04-2664-2530
Last Updated:2024-12-06